Our theme this year is Literacy Heroes Beyond the Beaten Path. You can sign up now at www.summeradventure.givesmart.com and run your 5K anytime between July 17th through July 24th. Send photos of your start, finish or any point along the way to foundation@aurorapubliclibrary.org. Proceeds from your registration will benefit Summer Reading and provide Literacy Packets for vulnerable children!
Read Beyond the Beaten Path is this year’s exciting theme of the Aurora Public Library District’s summer reading program and activities (June 4 – July 30). And what a wonderful theme it is! There is nothing quite like a good story in the great outdoors (or in your imagination) to ignite your senses!
As the “summer slide” continues to collide with the “Covid-slide,” your support is very important. Your support enables us to provide reading incentives for children participating in the summer adventures.
It also helps provide books, crafts and other literacy tools to Aurora’s vulnerable children. These literacy tools are being given to children through our partnerships with the Aurora Area Interfaith Food Pantry, the Marie Wilkinson food pantry, SPARK, and several preschools. To date, over 22,000 packets have been distributed.
You can make a difference by supporting Summer Reading and the Virtual 5K by registering for the 5K, or by making a tax-deductible donation here: www.summeradventure.givesmart.com.
Thank you for being a Literacy Hero for kids in Aurora!