The Aurora Public Library District is busy designing the exterior of the new Bookmobile, with input from the community. As new design information becomes available, the Foundation will be your source for sharing the plans. We look forward to keeping you abreast of all the exciting news as it happens. Our new cutting-edge Bookmobile will serve the needs of Aurora for many years.

In order to keep this branch of the library system rollin’ well into the future, we have established a maintenance and replacement fund. With your continued support, we can ensure that when scheduled maintenance, repairs, or about 20 years from now when replacement becomes necessary, we will have the funds to address those needs.

Did you know?

When the Bookmobile was off road recently due to generator troubles, Matilda, a young student from Aurora missed us terribly. The next time we went back to her school, Matilda told the Bookmobile staff that she was trying to figure out what kind of fundraiser she could put together to help the Bookmobile department get a new Bookmobile!  Thank you, Matilda!

For more information about our efforts to bring a new Bookmobile to Aurora, please call 630-264-4124 or visit Donations can be made online or by phone.